Monday, April 13, 2009

The health benefits of pomegranate?

What are they?

Plus, I have a fitness test in gym coming up. It is called the pacer. You need to run from one side of the gym to the other side in a certain time period. As time goes on, you need to go quicker and quicker. The test is on friday.

I need to run back and forth 42 times if I don%26#039;t want to do it in the spring. Will pomigranites help me?

The health benefits of pomegranate?
-It provides fifty percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamins A, C and E. And a significant amount of potassium and niacin.

-Fighting Antioxidants

- Protect Your Heart

-Fight Osteoarthritis

And more.
Reply:I know from experience that, eggs and milk mixed together builds stamina. Jogging will also increase your ablity to do thoes 42 dashes. Try a little leg weight me, when you get to the real thing, it will feel easy.

skin color charts

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