Monday, April 13, 2009

I have a big pomegranate tree?

in compound of my house

It bears abundance of flowers every year

which fall down and remain only 9-10 fruits.

Is there any remedy?

I have a big pomegranate tree?
To fruit well Pomegranates need long, hot dry summers. They like almost any type of soil but not if it%26#039;s cold and waterlogged. They also enjoy full sun and dislike humidity which causes fruits to be of poor quality. In winter, they can cope with some cold temperatures but are not really hardy and can be killed/damaged by severe frost. If your tree does not already enjoy these conditions then it is unlikely ever to fruit well. You could try feeding it in Spring (manure or general purpose fertiliser) and pruning back some branches to stimulate new growth but unless you have the basic climate you won%26#039;t get good fruit and flowers.

As an alternative you could propagate some new trees (pomegranate cuttings root really easily): take a shoot from the tree about 10 inches long and stick it in a pot of compost, it should root pretty quickly. You can then grow it on in bigger pots and indeed keep it in a tub its whole life (pomegranates are well suited to growing in a tub). If you grow your new tub tree in a greenhouse then you have a much better chance of getting flowers and fruit. I live in U.K. and my pomegranate flowers and fruits under glass which it would NEVER do outside. From a shoot cutting expect flowers and fruit in about 3-5 years. Good luck!


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